Front Range Homebrew Circuit - V1.05
© 2023-2025 by Nelson Crowle (
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Front Range Circuit
What is FRC?
The Front Range Homebrew Circuit is designed to allow Colorado and Wyoming clubs and homebrewers to compete with each other by entering
Front Range homebrew competitions and collecting medals at these competitions.
The Front Range, for purposes of which competitions are included, shall be the corridor of cities from Pueblo, CO through Cheyenne, WY,
within 20 miles east or west of I-25. Entrants must be residents of Colorado or Wyoming, and must be a member of a Colorado or Wyoming homebrew club.
The purpose of FRC is to promote friendly competition between Colorado and Wyoming homebrew clubs and individual homebrewers.
Each year the circuit will track points for all member competitions and individual brewers and award a FRC Homebrewer Of The Year and a FRC Homebrew Club Of The Year.
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Which homebrew clubs are eligible to participate?
All AHA sanctioned Colorado and Wyoming Homebrew Clubs are eligible to participate as entrants in FRC.
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Which homebrewers are eligible to participate?
To be eligible to participate in the FRC, you must be a Colorado or Wyoming resident AND a member of any AHA sanctioned homebrew club from Colorado or Wyoming.
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Which homebrew competitions are tracked by FRC?
Any competition which meets the following criteria will be considered an eligible competition for circuit points.
- The competition must be open to all Colorado and Wyoming homebrewers. Club-Only-Competitions are not eligible.
- The competition must be conducted in accordance with BJCP competition guidelines.
- The competition must be registered with BJCP and be included on the BJCP Competition calendar.
- The competition must provide a means to access the pertinent data from Reggie, BCOEM, or other online registration software.
- The competition may accept only Homebrew entries which must be produced on homebrew equipment.
- Competitions may be added or removed only by a decision from the FRC Board. Competitions should not be added after January 1 of a year although
competitions may be removed if they violate eligibility rules. Competitions should have at least a year of history before being added to FRC.
- Competitions must treat all entrants equally relating to entry rules and relating to category awards and BOS awards.
Eligible Front Range Competitions
The following competitions are included in FRC 2024:
- 8 Seconds Of Froth
- Biere de Rock
- Big Beers, Belgians, and Barleywines
- Colorado State Fair
- Feast Of Saint Arnold
- Liquid Poetry Slam
- Orpheus Meadfest Homebrew
- Peak To Peak Pro/Am
- Peterson Air Force Base
- Reggale Dredhop
- Rocky Mountain Homebrew Challenge
- Soup It Up
- Sweetheart's Revenge
Ineligible Competitions
- Brew Hut Annual Comp - only medals CO winners; does not medal WY winners
- Chili Pepper Extravaganza - all entries must be made with chili peppers
- El Paso County Fair - requires entrant to be a resident of El Paso County
To update your Competition status, please email
Nelson from an official competition email address
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How are FRC points awarded?
Point Calculation
- Points will be awarded based on medals awarded in each competition utilizing the Award Points Schedule. The board chose Simple321 over a Cubed calculation
because the results were very closely matched and the Simple321 is easier to understand.
- In all cases, "Gold" and "1st Place" are synonymous, "Silver" and "2nd Place" are synonymous, and "Bronze" and "3rd Place" are synonymous. No points are accrued
for any other medal places or for Honorable Mention.
- Points will be awarded to individual brewers or teams. Co-brewers will not be eligible for points. A "team" is a separate entity - team members do not
receive individual points. For example, John And Jane Smith may be the name of a "team" in which John and Jane typically brew together and register their entries
as a team rather than individually (or with a named co-brewer). The John And Jane team receives medal points, but John Smith and Jane Smith do not separately
receive any points. This does not preclude John or Jane from registering entries individually, in which case the individual is credited with the points, not the
- Clubs will receive points based on entries awarded to individuals and teams entering under each club.
If individuals belong to and register as more than one club, their points will go to the club associated with that particular entry.
Only one club will receive credit per entry.
- In addition to points for medals, FRC may track points for participating as judges, stewards, or competition staff.
Points for judging /stewarding will be based on the BJCP competition guidelines. This may be a separate recognition ("Busiest Judge", etc.), and would not be
added in to Homebrewer Of The Year. Competitions using Reggie, BCOEM, or other online registration software should provide a means to access the pertinent data.
- Points will only be awarded in standard BJCP categories. Points will not be awarded in competition unique categories (i.e. Best Chocolate Beer, Best Prison Hooch).
- Individual competitions may combine or split categories as they see fit and points will be awarded based on these split/combined category medal groups.
Simple321 Award Points Schedule
- Gold 3
- Silver 2
- Bronze 1
- BoS Beer Gold 3
- BoS Beer (or Mead/Cider ONLY competition) Silver 2
- BoS Beer (or Mead/Cider ONLY competition) Bronze 1
- BoS Mead/Cider Gold 1
- BoS Mead/Cider Silver 0
- BoS Mead/Cider Bronze 0
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List of Competition representatives and Board members
Type | Entity name | Representative name |
Admin | IT Manager | Nelson Crowle |
Comp | 8 Seconds Of Froth | Fred Hirsch |
Comp | Biere de Rock | |
Comp | Big Beers, Belgians, and Barleywines | Nelson Crowle |
Comp | Colorado State Fair | |
Comp | Feast Of Saint Arnold Homebrew | Mike Scott |
Comp | Liquid Poetry Slam | Donald Schneider |
Comp | Orpheus Meadfest Homebrew | |
Comp | Peak To Peak Pro/Am | |
Comp | Peterson AFB | |
Comp | Reggale Dredhop | |
Comp | Rocky Mountain Homebrew Challenge | |
Comp | Soup It Up | |
Comp | Sweetheart's Revenge | |
To update the representative for a Club or Competition, please email
Nelson from an official club or
competition email address (e.g., or Please include email and phone number (which are used only
for internal FRC communications).
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Composition and Purpose of the FRC Board
- The FRC board shall be comprised one individual per FRC-tracked competition, plus one or more Administrator positions. Initially there is an "IT Manager"
Administrator position. Administrator positions may be added by a 2/3 majority vote of the current board members.
- The purpose of the FRC Board is to establish the rules under which the circuit will operate and to resolve any FRC-related disputes among individuals or clubs.
- All board decisions, except those noted elsewhere, will require a simple majority to pass.
- Votes may be called at a physical meeting of the board as long as a two thirds quorum (or authenticated proxies) of the available votes are present.
- Until eligible voting competition organizers begin participating in FRC decisions,
proposals by members will not need a full membership vote to pass, but will be determined by participating members on the Front Range Circuit Facebook group.
Common Rules
In addition to the rules outlined above, it is desirable that there be certain rules common to all FRC member competitions.
- Brewers shall be limited to two entries per sub-category for all non-Specialty categories.
Brewers shall be limited to two entries per sub-sub-category for Historical and Specialty IPA categories (i.e., max 2 Lichtenheiner, max 2 Red IPA) except for
the "Other Historical" and "Other Specialty IPA" for which no limit is imposed by FRC.
For Specialty categories, there is no limit imposed by FRC, but individual competitions may impose their own limits if they choose.
Circuit Calendar
- The circuit calendar will align with the calendar year. Each circuit year will start January 1 and end December 31.
- The awarding of Front Range Homebrewer Of The Year and Front Range Homebrew Club Of The Year will occur at the first competition of the next year, or by electronic announcement.
Disciplinary Actions
- While it is assumed that all clubs and individuals will compete in the spirit of openness and fairness, there always exists the possibility for abuse.
While it is hoped that these remedies will never be required, it is better to define them now rather than try to retrofit them if an issue does occur.
- Any disciplinary action will require a two thirds vote of the full Circuit Board. Disciplinary actions can range from removal of points, disqualification
of individuals or clubs for a circuit season, or removal of a competition, club, or individual from circuit eligibility. Actions should be commiserate with
the severity of the offense.
Questions currently being considered by the board
- What sort of awards/trophies/prizes? How are they funded?
- What additional expenses are there (domain name and hosting, for example), and how are they funded?
- Is FRC based only on recordkeeping of data from eligible competitions, or should it have it's own end-of-year competition where HOTY AND HCOTY are announced?
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Revision History
- Version 0.01β - 2023/02/09
- Version 0.10β - 2023/03/13
- Updated index.php main landing page based on input from the group.
- Version 0.20β - 2023/03/23
- Finalized main FRC web page text.
- Added 2022 and 2023 Feast Of Saint Arnold comp to circuit.
- Added 2022 and 2023 Halfpenny comp to circuit.
- Selected SIMPLE321 as the points calculation method for 2022 and 2023 after comparison with the CUBED method and discussion with the group.
- Lots of internal updates and new code to support manual BCOEM importing. Set up Reggie to automatically import from Reggie-generated JSON files.
- Separated the Clubs and Competitions lists to show eligible and ineligible to be voting board members.
- New rule for Clubs - to be eligible to be a voting board member, the club must have two or more medals in the previous Circuit year. The intention here is to give voting privileges to those clubs who are at least somewhat active in competitions.
- Version 0.90β - 2023/04/10
- Created logo roughly based on logo from Ryan Thomas from 2010-2014 Front Range Homebrewer Of The Year. Bottle image public domain from
- Added CSS formatting and reorganized main landing page.
- First beta release - all initially planned features are complete.
- Version 1.00 - 2023/04/11
- Set up Facebook Group "Front Range Circuit".
- Version 1.01 - 2023/04/11
- Added BoardMembers table and inserted IT Manager, Club names, and Comp names.
- Added display of Board Members in Index.
- Version 1.02 - 2023/04/11
- ImportBCOEM now had additional features to match up (or edit) BCOEM clubs which are not standardized to the AHA club list.
- Version 1.02a - 2023/04/20
- Added Lakewood Fermentation Club to the list of eligible clubs in index.php.
- Version 1.02c - 2023/04/28
- BCOEM export now includes Judging Number, Best of Show, Pro-Am, Medal Group Count, and Best Brewer Place - adjusted ImportBCOEM to accomodate.
- Version 1.03 - 2023/05/12
- CircuitAjax:ImportBCOEM now also converts < to [, > to ], " to '', and & to +.
- Updated Circuit and Index to provide tags for Facebook and Twitter.
- Imported 8 Seconds Of Froth BCOEM for 2022 and 2023.
- Version 1.03b - 2023/08/08
- Imported Orpheus Cup 2023 data.
- Removed Halfpenny 2023 - canceled.
- Version 1.03c - 2023/09/28
- Added a condition for competition eligibility that "Competitions must treat all entrants equally relating to entry rules and relating to category awards and BOS awards."
- Version 1.04 - 2023/09/29
- Removed Brew Hut Annual competition from 2023 based on V1.03c rule. This comp only awards medals to CO entrants and so WY entrants are at a disadvantage in FRC.
- Release notes listed in the FRC web page now are automatically generated from internal release note information.
- Version 1.04a - 2023/10/16
- Removed KROC reference in index.php - the club is now defunct.
- Version 1.05 - 2023/10/23
- For the list of Entrants, added a count of Eligible Medal-Winning Entrants.
- Version 1.05a - 2023/10/30
- When determining the Club State for an entrant, the entrant will be eligible if ANY entry was made declaring a Local Club. If the entrant had entries registered
for multiple clubs (or "None" - no club), and at least one is "Local" then the entrant will be eligible by Club (but possibly still not by Residence) and the
Circuit list by entrant will show the local state followed by a "+".
- Version 1.05b - 2023/11/25
- Added Peterson Homebrew Comp and created FRC 2024, adding Peterson as a 2024 comp.
- Version 1.05c - 2023/12/13
- Changed "Total" to "Total Points" and added "# Medals" and "# Comps Medaled" columns.
- Added Exclude Ineligible checkbox.
- Updated the list of clubs who are eligible to participate in FRC, and also the list of clubs who are eligible to have a voting board member representative.
- Version 1.05d - 2023/12/14
- Updated main FRC web page to remove Club representatives as board members. There are only Administrative and FRC-tracked-Competition representatives to form the board.
- Version 1.05e - 2024/01/24
- Updated CircuitAjax:GetScoreData to show the place of eligible competitors for the top 10 (Individual only, not Club). This handles tied scores.
- Version 1.05f - 2024/02/02
- Updated the main FRC web page to include Colorado State Fair as a 2024 competition and to extend the southern endpoint of FRC competitions to Pueblo, CO.
- Updated the main FRC web page to change brewer and club eligibility from specifically Front Range to be inclusive of all Colorado and Wyoming homebrewers and clubs.
- Version 1.05g - 2024/02/22
- Minor rewording for asthetics in the main FRC web page. Added Peterson AFB as a potential board member.
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